5 Acidifying gases and tropospheric ozone
5.1 Introduction
The deposition of acidic species can have adverse effects on buildings and vegetation, as well as acidifying streams and lakes and damaging the aquatic environment. Sulphur and nitrogen oxides from fuel combustion are the major contributors to acidification (RGAR, 1997). Ammonia plays an important part in the long range transport of the acidic pollutants by the formation of relatively stable particles of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate. Although ammonia is a basic gas, it can also have a direct effect on acidification. The biological transformation of NH4+ to NO3- in soils (denitrification) and plant uptake both release acidity into the soil contributing to soil acidification.
Tropospheric, or ground level ozone occurs naturally and there are no significant ozone emissions from anthropogenic activities. Atmospheric levels can be increased in-situ by the photochemical reaction of precursor pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Specific NMVOC compounds and groups of compounds play a key role in ozone formation. Ozone episodes in which concentrations rise substantially above background levels occur in summer months when there are long periods of bright sunshine , temperatures above 20o C and light winds. It can affect human health and can damage plants and crops.
The Total 1996 UK emissions of acidic gases are summarised in Table 5.1.
Pollutant | Total 1996 emission (kt) |
Sulphur dioxide | 2028 |
Nitrogen oxides | 2060 |
Hydrogen chloride | 117 |
Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) | 2,111 |
Ammonia | 339 |
The EU is also preparing a strategy to combat tropospheric ozone pollution. This is based on the same methodology used to develop the acidification strategy and will include the definition of national emissions ceilings for the main ozone precursors NOx and VOCs. A proposal for a directive setting national emissions ceilings for SO2, NOx VOCs and NH3 is expected in 1999, and the EU and Member States are currently examining possible ceilings. For the UK, these are reductions of 74% in SO2, 58% in NOx, 61% in VOCs and 20% in NH3 by 2010 from a 1990 base year.
Sulphur dioxide has long been recognised as a pollutant because of its role, along with black smoke, in forming winter-time smogs. Estimates of sulphur dioxide emissions have been produced since the inception of the NAEI. Fuel combustion accounts for more than 99% of UK SO2 emissions with the sulphur arising from the fuel itself. The SO2 emission can be calculated from knowledge of the sulphur content of the fuel and from information on the amount of sulphur retained in the ash. Published fuel consumption data (DTI, 1997), published sulphur contents of liquid fuels (Institute of Petroleum, 1996) and data from coal producers regarding sulphur contents of coals enable reliable estimates to be produced.
The main source of NOx in the UK is also combustion processes. However, such emissions are complex since the nitrogen can be derived from both the fuel and atmospheric nitrogen. The emission is dependent on the conditions of combustion, in particular temperature and excess air ratio, which can vary considerably. Thus combustion conditions, load and even state of maintenance are important. The estimation of NOx emissions is often based on relatively few measurements and, in view of the possible variation in emissions from apparently similar combustion plant, there is greater uncertainty in the estimates than for SO2 .
Within the UK, the implementation of the EC's Large Combustion Plant Directive and other associated policy measures has led to substantial reductions in acidification pollutants from power plants and industrial sources. Emissions of NOx from road traffic peaked in 1989 but by 1996 had declined again by around 27%.
The inventories for SO2, NOx and NH3 are discussed in the following sections. Full details of the methodologies used to compile the inventories, changes to the methodology since the 1995 inventory and detailed time series for these pollutants are presented in the Appendices.