Devolved Administration Air Quality Emissions

The devolved administration inventories are consistent with the UK inventories submitted to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

What is included?

The Devolved Administrations (DA) AP inventory presents emissions on a by source (emissions are allocated to the source sector in which they occur) basis, and figures and percentages within the reports refer to these datasets, unless otherwise stated.

In addition, the report presents estimates of DA emissions from international aviation and shipping (which are excluded from national inventory data, in accordance with UNECE reporting protocols). 

What isn’t included?

The DA AQ Inventory is reported using a UK territorial coverage, and thus excludes the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories. Emissions from offshore oil and gas exploration and production sources are not allocated to any country, and are reported separately within an "Unallocated" inventory category.

Devolved administration emissions by source

Get data

The Devolved Administration data by source are available in the tables below.  This is the latest data published for the Devolved Administrations. Earlier analysis is also available in the Reports section.

Air Quality data

Publication YearReport and DataNext Publication Date
2023Air Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2005-2021October 2024

Published: 12 January, 2024

Last updated: 9 April, 2024