The NFR codes used on this website are shown below.
NFR Code | Source Description |
1 | Energy |
1A | Fuel Combustion Activities |
1A1 | Energy Industries |
1A1a | Public Electricity and Heat Production |
1A1b | Petroleum Refining |
1A1c | Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries |
1A2 | Manufacturing Industries and Construction |
1A2a | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Iron and Steel |
1A2b | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Non-ferrous Metals |
1A2c | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Chemicals |
1A2d | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Pulp, Paper and Print |
1A2e | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Food Processing, Beverages and Tobacco |
1A2f | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Non-metallic Minerals |
1A2gvii | Mobile Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Other |
1A2gviii | Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Other |
1A3 | Transport |
1A3ai(i) | International Aviation |
1A3aii(i) | Domestic Aviation |
1A3bi | Road Transport: Passenger Cars |
1A3bii | Road Transport: Light Duty Vehicles |
1A3biii | Road Transport: Heavy Duty Vehicles and Buses |
1A3biv | Road Transport: Mopeds & Motorcycles |
1A3bv | Road Transport: Gasoline Evaporations |
1A3bvi | Road Transport: Automobile Tyre and Brake Wear |
1A3bvii | Road Transport: Automobile Road Abrasion |
1A3c | Railways |
1A3dii | National Navigation (Shipping) |
1A3eii | Other |
1A4 | Other Sectors |
1A4ai | Commercial/Industrial Stationary Combustion |
1A4aii | Commercial/Institutional: Mobile |
1A4bi | Residential Stationary Combustion |
1A4bii | Household and Gardening Mobile Combustion |
1A4ci | Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing Stationary Combustion |
1A4cii | Off-road Vehicles and Other Machinery from Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing |
1A4ciii | Fishing Vessels |
1A5 | Other (not elsewhere specified) |
1A5a | Other Stationary (including Military) |
1A5b | Other Mobile Combustion (including Military, Land Based and Recreational Boats) |
1B | Fugitive Emissions from Fuels |
1B1 | Fugitive Emissions from Solid Fuels |
1B1a | Coal Mining and Handling |
1B1b | Solid Fuel Transformation |
1B1c | Other |
1B2 | Fugitive Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas |
1B2ai | Oil: Exploration, Production, Transport |
1B2aiv | Oil: Refining/Storage |
1B2av | Oil: Distribution |
1B2b | Natural Gas: Exploration, Production, Transport |
1B2c | Venting and Flaring of Oil, Gas, Combined Oil and Gas |
2 | Industrial Processes and Product Use |
2A | Mineral Products |
2A1 | Cement Production |
2A2 | Lime Production |
2A3 | Glass Production |
2A5 | Construction and Associated Processes |
2A5a | Quarrying and Mining of Minerals other than Coal |
2A5b | Construction and Demolition |
2A6 | Other Mineral Products |
2B | Chemical Industry |
2B1 | Ammonia Production |
2B10a | Other |
2B10b | Storage, Handling and Transport of Chemical Products |
2B2 | Nitric Acid production |
2B3 | Adipic Acid Production |
2B6 | Titanium Dioxide Production |
2B7 | Soda Ash Production |
2C | Metal Production |
2C1 | Iron and Steel Production |
2C3 | Aluminium Production |
2C4 | Magnesium Production |
2C5 | Lead Production |
2C6 | Zinc Production |
2C7 | Other Metal Production |
2C7a | Copper Production |
2C7b | Nickel Production |
2C7c | Other Metal Production |
2D | Solvents |
2D3 | Solvent Use |
2D3a | Domestic Solvent Use Including Fungicides |
2D3b | Road Paving and Asphalt |
2D3d | Coating Applications |
2D3e | Degreasing |
2D3f | Dry Cleaning |
2D3g | Chemical Products |
2D3h | Printing |
2D3i | Other Solvent Use |
2G | Other Product Use (please specify in the IIR) |
2H | Pulp and Paper Industry, Food and Beverages Industry |
2H1 | Pulp and Paper Industry |
2H2 | Food and Beverages Industry |
2H3 | Other Industrial Processes |
2I | Wood Processing |
2K | Consumption of POPs and Heavy Metals |
3 | Agriculture |
3B | Manure Management |
3B1 | Cattle |
3B1a | Dairy Cattle |
3B1b | Non-dairy Cattle |
3B2 | Sheep |
3B3 | Swine |
3B4 | Other Livestock |
3B4d | Goats |
3B4e | Horses |
3B4gi | Laying Hens |
3B4gii | Broilers |
3B4giii | Turkeys |
3B4giv | Other Poultry |
3B4h | Other Animals |
3D | Agricultural Soils |
3Da1 | Inorganic N-fertilizers (includes urea application) |
3Da2a | Animal Manure Applied to Soils |
3Da2b | Sewage Sludge Applied to Soils |
3Da2c | Other Organic Fertilisers Applied to Soils |
3Da3 | Urine and Dung Deposited by Grazing Animals |
3Da4 | Crop Residues Applied to Soils |
3Db | Indirect Emissions from Managed Soils |
3Dc | Farm-level Agricultural Operations including Storage, Handling and Transport of Agricultural Products |
3De | Cultivated Crops |
3Df | Use of Pesticides |
3F | Field Burning of Agricultural Waste |
3I | Other |
5 | Waste |
5A | Solid Waste Disposal on Land |
5B | Biological Treatment of Waste |
5B1 | Composting |
5B2 | Biological Treatment of Waste - Anaerobic Digestion at Biogas Facilities |
5C | Waste Incineration |
5C1a | Municipal Waste Incineration |
5C1bii | Hazardous Waste Incineration |
5C1biii | Clinical Waste Incineration |
5C1biv | Sewage Sludge Incineration |
5C1bv | Cremation |
5C2 | Open Burning of Waste |
5D | Waste-water Handling |
5D1 | Domestic |
5D2 | Industrial |
5E | Other Waste |
6 | Other |
6A | Other |
Z | Memo Items |
z_11B | Forest Fires |
z_11C | Other Natural Emissions (please specify in the IIR) |
z_1A3ai(ii) | International Aviation Cruise (civil) |
z_1A3aii(ii) | Domestic Aviation Cruise (civil) |
z_1A3di(i) | International Maritime Navigation |