NFR Code List

The NFR codes used on this website are shown below.


NFR CodeSource Description
1AFuel Combustion Activities
1A1Energy Industries
1A1aPublic electricity and heat production
1A1bPetroleum refining
1A1cManufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries
1A2Manufacturing Industries and Construction
1A2aStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Iron and steel
1A2bStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Non-ferrous metals
1A2cStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Chemicals
1A2dStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Pulp, Paper and Print
1A2eStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Food processing, beverages and tobacco
1A2fStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Non-metallic minerals
1A2gviiMobile Combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Other
1A2gviiiStationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction: Other
1A3ai(i)International Aviation
1A3aii(i)Domestic aviation
1A3biRoad Transport: Passenger Cars
1A3biiRoad Transport: Light duty vehicles
1A3biiiRoad Transport: Heavy duty vehicles and buses
1A3bivRoad Transport: Mopeds & Motorcycles
1A3bvRoad Transport: Gasoline Evaporations
1A3bviRoad Transport: Automobile tyre and brake wear
1A3bviiRoad Transport: Automobile road abrasion
1A3diiNational Navigation (shipping)
1A4Other Sectors
1A4aiCommercial/Industrial stationary combustion
1A4aiiCommercial/institutional: Mobile
1A4biResidential stationary combustion
1A4biiHousehold and gardening mobile combustion
1A4ciAgriculture/Forestry/Fishing stationary combustion
1A4ciiOff-road vehicles and other machinery from agriculture/forestry/fishing
1A4ciiiFishing Vessels
1A5Other (not elsewhere specified)
1A5bOther mobile combustion (including military, land based and recreational boats)
1BFugitive Emissions from Fuels
1B1Fugitive Emissions from Solid Fuels
1B1aCoal Mining and Handling
1B1bSolid fuel transformation
1B2Fugitive Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas
1B2aiOil: Exploration, production, transport
1B2aivOil: Refining/storage
1B2avOil: Distribution
1B2bNatural Gas: Exploration, production, transport
1B2cVenting and flaring of oil, gas, combined oil and gas
2Industrial Processes and Product Use
2AMineral Products
2A1Cement Production
2A2Lime Production
2A3Glass Production
2A5aQuarrying and mining of minerals other than coal
2A5bConstruction and Demolition
2A6Other mineral products
2BChemical Industry
2B1Ammonia Production
2B10bStorage, handling and transport of chemical products
2B2Nitric Acid production
2B3Adipic acid production
2B6Titanium dioxide production
2B7Soda ash production
2CMetal production
2C1Iron and steel production
2C3Aluminium production
2C4Magnesium production
2C5Lead production
2C6Zinc production
2C7aCopper production
2C7bNickel production
2C7cOther metal production
2D3aDomestic solvent use including fungicides
2D3bRoad paving and asphalt
2D3dCoating applications
2D3fDry Cleaning
2D3gChemical Products
2D3iOther solvent use
2GOther product use (please specify in the IIR)
2HPulp and paper industry, food and beverages industry
2H1Pulp and paper industry
2H2Food and beverages industry
2H3Other industrial processes
2IWood Processing
2KConsumption of POPs and heavy metals
3BManure Management
3B1aDairy cattle
3B1bNon-dairy cattle
3B4giLaying hens
3B4givOther poultry
3B4hother animals
3DAgricultural soils
3Da1Inorganic N-fertilizers (includes urea application)
3Da2aAnimal manure applied to soils
3Da2bSewage sludge applied to soils
3Da2cOther organic fertilisers applied to soils
3Da3Urine and dung deposited by grazing animals
3Da4Crop residues applied to soils
3DbIndirect emissions from managed soils
3DcFarm-level agricultural operations including storage, handling and transport of agricultural products
3DeCultivated crops
3DfUse of pesticides
3FField burning of agricultural waste
5ASolid Waste disposal on land
5BBiological treatment of waste
5B2Biological treatment of waste - Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities
5CWaste Incineration
5C1aMunicipal waste incineration
5C1biiHazardous waste incineration
5C1biiiClinical waste incineration
5C1bivSewage sludge incineration
5C2Open burning of waste
5DWaste-water handling
5EOther Waste  
z_11BForest fires
z_11COther natural emissions (please specify in the IIR)
z_1A3ai(ii)International aviation cruise (civil)
z_1A3aii(ii)Domestic aviation cruise (civil)
z_1A3di(i)International maritime navigation

Published: 12 January, 2024

Last updated: 4 April, 2024