Explore Interactive maps for Air Quality and Greenhouse gases, download gridded emissions data and emissions from point sources.
Emissions of pollutants are given in the form of UK maps. These maps give emissions of Air Quality pollutants and Greenhouse Gases at 1x1km resolution, at Local Authority level and for individual sites where this is possible. The latest methodology, UK Spatial Emissions Methodology, describing how this data has been developed can be accessed in the reports section.
Interactive UK Emissions Map
This interactive application allows you to explore emissions data from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 2022.
Ambient air quality concentration data can be explored using the ambient air quality maps on UK-AIR.
Interactive Local Authority GHG Map
This interactive map shows Greenhouse Gas emissions totals by Local Authority from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 2022.
The data for this map can be downloaded from the UK Local Authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions national statistics website.
Download Gridded emissions
Our new download page allows you to get gridded data and maps of specific pollutants from 2005 to the latest published inventory year.
Looking for something else?
The following maps can be found on UK-AIR: