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Archived Emissions Data

Notable events

Start yearEnd yearSectorInformationImpact
19901993Agriculture & WasteBan on field burning dramatically reduced emissions of many pollutantsDecrease in emissions
19902003Production ProcessesLarge reductions in Primary aluminium production - anode baking.Decrease in emissions

Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is of concern because of its effect on human health. It is part of the group of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and is recognized as one of the most carcinogenic of the group. Emissions have decreased by 89% since 1990. Most of this reduction is due to improved control of emissions from aluminium production through the 1990s, this source contributed to 41% of emissions in 1990. Since 2000, UK emissions have decreased by 66%. This is driven by trends in residential coal consumption, agricultural waste burning, and the decline to zero of emissions from aluminium production (anode baking), partially offset by increases in residential wood combustion.

Published: 11 January, 2024

Last updated: 25 January, 2024