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Archived Emissions Data

Notable events

Start yearEnd yearSectorInformationImpact
19841985Public Electricity and Heat ProductionMiners strike resulting in a reduction in the consumption of coal and an increase in the consumption of alternative fuels in power stations for that yearIncrease in emissions
20092012Industrial processThe economic downturn has caused significant reductions in energy demands and many industries have made cut backs or closures, resulting in reduced emissionsDecrease in emissions

Inhalation of nickel can cause irritation to the nose and sinuses and can also lead to the loss of the sense of smell. Long-term exposure may lead to asthma or other respiratory diseases. Cancer of the lungs, nose and sinuses as well as the larynx and stomach has been attributed to exposure to nickel.

Emissions have declined by 77% since 1990. In 2021, nickel emissions were dominated by emissions from the combustion of petroleum coke, solid smokeless fuels containing petroleum coke, and heavy fuel oil, mainly by the residential sector but also by industry. Combustion of these three fuels across the entire UK economy was responsible for 61% of UK emissions of nickel in 2021 and 69% of emissions in 1990. In 1990, fuel oil combustion was a much more significant source than use of petroleum coke, and power station, refinery, and industry use of fuel oil accounted for the vast majority of emissions. Both coal and fuel oil use have decreased since 1990, and this is largely responsible for the reduction in total emissions.

Published: 23 January, 2024

Last updated: 15 March, 2024