Greenhouse Gas emissions reports

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Report date:
Authors: John Watterson, Charles Walker, Simon Eggleston
Report date:
Authors: Baggott SL, Brown L, Milne R, Murrells TP, Passant N, Watterson JD

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: S Baggott, R Milne, T Misslebrook, TP Murrells, G Thistlethwaite, J Watterson
"The National Inventory Report is submitted annually to UNFCCC. Global Atmosphere Division welcomes comments on this report with a view to improving future issues. Comments should be sent to John D Watterson, netcen, AEA Technology, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon. OX14 3ED. Fax 01235 463005,"
Report date:
Authors: John D Watterson

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: A G Salway

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: R G Gregory

"The National Inventory Report is submitted annually to UNFCCC. Global Atmosphere Division would like to invite comments on this report with a view to improving future issues. Comments should be sent to Dr A G Salway, NETCEN, AEA Technology, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon. OX14 3ED. Fax 01235 463005, <A HREF=""""></A>&qu…;

Report date:
Authors: A G Salway

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: A G Salway

"The National Inventory Report is submitted annually to UNFCCC. Global Atmosphere Division would like to invite comments on this report with a view to improving future issues. Comments should be sent to Dr A G Salway, NETCEN, AEA Technology, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon. OX14 3ED. Fax 01235 463005,"

Report date:
Authors: A G Salway

The National Inventory Report is submitted annually to UNFCCC. Global Atmosphere Division would like to invite comments on this report with a view to improving future issues

Report date:
Authors: A G Salway

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: N R Passant

There are no comments for this report.

Authors: S Baggott, A Lelland, N Passant, J Watterson

Detailed assessment of Greenhouse Gas emission uncertainties

Authors: A G Salway
"This report presents estimates of greenhouse gas emission inventories for the devolved administrations of the UK. Separate greenhouse gas emission inventories were estimated for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for the years 1990, 1995 and 1998"
Authors: A G Salway