Greenhouse Gas emissions reports

Task 23 of the UK / DA Inventory Improvement Programme

Report date:
Authors: Yvonne Pang, Helen Walker and Tim Murrells

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Report date:
Authors: Amanda M. Thomson, Stephen Hallsworth and Heath Malcolm

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Report date:
Authors: MacCarthy J, Brown K, Webb N, Passant N, Thistlethwaite G, Murrells T, Watterson J, Cardenas L, Thomson A, Pang Y

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna MacCarthy

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Report date:
Authors: D Carslaw, S Beevers, E Westmoreland, M Williams, J Tate, T Murrells, J Stedman, Y Li, S Grice, A Kent & I Tsagatakis

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Report date:
Authors: C Whall, T Scarbrough, A Stavrakaki, C Green, J Squire and R Noden

This report provides an overview of the methods used to calculate distribution maps for all sectors across the UK and it covers the compilation of the final emission maps and data products.

Report date:
Authors: I Tsagataskis, T Bush, N Passant and N Brophy

This report provides an overview of the methods used to calculate distribution maps for all sectors across the UK and it covers the compilation of the final emission maps and data products.

Report date:
Authors: T Bush, I Tsagatakis, N Passant, A Griffin and B Pearson

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Report date:
Authors: S Sneddon, N Brophy, Y Li, J MacCarthy, C Martinez, T Murrells, N Passant, J Thomas, G Thistlethwaite, I Tsagatakis, H Walker, A Thomson and L Cardenas

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Report date:
Authors: Nicola Brophy, Allan Herrera, Ben Poole and Glen Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: Stuart Sneddon and Glen Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna MacCarthy and Glen Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: MacCarthy J, Thomas J, Choudrie S, Passant, N, Thistlethwaite G, Murrells T, Watterson J, Cardenas L, Thomson A

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Report date:
Authors: John Abbott, Joanna Jackson, Glen Thistlethwaite & Jenny Thomas

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson & Glen Thistlethwaite
The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 28th September 2009 at DECC in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on future plans/improvements for the inventory and projections.
Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson, Yvonne Li, Tim Murrells, Neil Passant, Stuart Sneddon, Jenny Thomas, Glen Thistlethwaite, Kirstie Dyson and Laura Cardenas

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Report date:
Authors: John Watterson & Glen Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: Penny Wilson

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Report date:
Authors: Jackson J, Choudrie S, Thistlethwaite G, Passant N, Murrells T, Watterson J, Mobbs D, Cardenas L, Thomson A, Leech A