Local Authorities

A number of Greenhouse gas and energy datasets are produced under the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI), which are useful to Local Authorities and public users interested in their local areas.

These datasets include Local and Regional GHG emissions; Road transport fuel consumption and non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport fuel consumption.

The Local and Regional GHG interactive map show emissions for each Local Authority split by sectors.

Higher level datasets are also available for the UK and Devolved Administrations.

Greenhouse Gas emissions

A spatial disaggregation of GHG emissions in the UK greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI) by region and local authority are produced annually on an end–user basis. These local and regional GHG emissions estimates are produced in order to provide a nationally consistent evidence base and a consistent time series is maintained back to 2005. The statistics can be used by local authorities (LAs) and other relevant organisations as an important body of information to help identify high emitting sources of GHGs and energy intensive sectors, to monitor changes in GHG emissions over time, and to help design GHG emission reduction strategies.

This dataset is prepared on an end-user basis, which means that emissions from the production and processing of fuels, including the production of electricity, are reallocated to users of these fuels to reflect total emissions for each type of fuel consumed.

The statistics provide a breakdown of GHG emissions in key sectors, although the sector aggregation differs slightly from the sectors reported under the National and DA End User Emissions Inventories. A reconciliation report is produced each year to explain the differences between the LA, DA and UK end user datasets. There are a number of smaller methodological differences, but large sectors excluded from the LAGHG emission estimates are shipping, aviation and military transport.

The full dataset – which is classified as a National Statistic – and statistical summary can be found on the DESNZ website along with supporting methodology documents. In addition, a subset of this dataset (further excluding emissions from EU ETS and UK ETS, motorways, railways and LULUCF) is prepared for emissions within the scope of influence of the Local Authorities, previously known as National Indicator 186.

A more detailed breakdown of emissions and removals from land use, land-use change and forestry in the "UK local authority and regional carbon dioxide emissions national statistics: 2005 to 2019" is available to download.

Get data

This dataset is available from the DESNZ website.

Road transport

Subnational statistics are produced as part of the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) work programme on fuel consumption from road transport at regional and local authority levels. This is calculated using a bottom-up method by combining fleet-weighted fuel consumption factors (in g fuel/km) for each main vehicle type with traffic activity data provided by the Department for Transport (DfT). The bottom-up calculated fuel consumption derived for each year is expected to vary slightly from the values of petrol and diesel fuel sales reported in the Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) due to a number of reasons. For instance, the fuel sales figures in DUKES include the small amount of fuel consumption by inland waterways, off-road machinery and consumption in the Crown Dependencies, and thus these values do not represent fuel use by road transport alone; other reasons include "fuel tourism" effects whereby vehicles consume fuel on UK roads that was purchased abroad and modelling uncertainty.

Get data

The data is available for download from the DESNZ website.

Non-road transport

Subnational energy consumption data are available for gas and electricity (DESNZ statistics) and road transport. In 2004, Ricardo Energy & Environment pioneered work for DESNZ to estimate at local and regional spatial resolution the remaining fifth of UK's energy consumption, i.e. the non-gas, non-electric and non-road transport energy consumption. This work forms part of the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) work programme and uses GIS tools to derive spatially resolved energy consumption estimates for:

  • manufactured solid fuels
  • renewables
  • petroleum
  • coal

Get data

The data and methodology documents are available for download from the DESNZ website.

Published: 12 January, 2024

Last updated: 18 July, 2024