An Evaluation of the Air Quality Strategy

Report date
Paul Watkiss, Sarah Baggot, Tony Bush, Sam Cross, Justin Goodwin, Mike Holland, Fintan Hurley, Alistair Hunt, Gwyn Jones, Sujith Kollamthodi, Tim Murrells, John Stedman and Keith Vincent

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The above link is for the Executive Summary of this report only. Please see the Additional Documents section below for all the report Chapters and Annexes.

The primary aim of the evaluation of the air quality strategy study was to evaluate selected policies, from the road transport and electricity generator sector, from 1990 onwards.

Some of the main messages from the report are:

  1. Policies in both sectors have led to major emissions reductions
  2. These policies have generated large benefits in reducing the health and environmental impacts
  3. These policies have been cost-effective in achieving the desired emissions reductions.

Additional documents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3
