Identification of Potential Remedies for Air Pollution (nitrogen) Impacts on Designated Sites (RAPIDS)

Report date
Dragosits U., Carnell E.J., Misselbrook T.H., Stevens C., Jones L., Rowe E., Hall. J.R., Dise N., Dore A.J., Tomlinson S.J., Sheppard L.J., O’Shea L., Reis S., Bealey W., Braban C.F., Smyntek P. and Sutton M.A.

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Additional documents


Appendix 1 - Definition of Scenarios

Appendix 2 - Background and data sources for source attribution

Appendix 3 - Measures Table

Appendix 4 - Mechanisms for delivery of remedies

Appendix 5 - Pilot scenario allocation to UK SACs and A/SSSIs

Appendix 6 - Case studies

Appendix 7 - Critical Loads and levels

Appendix 8 - Implementation benefits and challenges of voluntary agri-environment and tax/subsidy schemes

Appendix 9 - Timescales of intervention and recovery, and evidence of success

Appendix 11 - Contributors to the project who have influenced the work