Launch of AQEG Ozone in the United Kingdom Report

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Defra's advisory Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) launched its latest report Ozone in the United Kingdom on 4th March 2009. The report investigates the recent historic trends, current status and likely future changes to tropospheric ozone concentrations in the UK over the next 20 years. See

The launch brought together a number of air quality experts to participate in a discussion on biogenic emissions.

A summary report will follow soon. Further information about the Air Quality Expert Group and reports can be found at

Seminar presentations are available here:

Additional documents

Ozone in the United Kingdom, summary and questions - Professor Mike Pilling, Chair of AQEG

Biogenic emissions in the UK - Professor Nick Hewitt, Lancaster University

TORCH campaign, 2003 - Professor Alastair Lewis, University of York

Monitoring data - Dr Mike Jenkin, Atmospheric Chemistry Services

Eulerian modelling of TORCH - Dr David Stevenson, University of Edinburgh

Trajectory modelling of TORCH - Dr Mike Jenkin, Atmospheric Chemistry Services

Discussion and implications for NAEI - Dr Tim Murrells, AEA