Modelling Air Quality for London using ADMS-Urban

Report date
Jo Blair

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<p>The &lsquo;map report&rsquo; is the third in a series of topic reports prepared as part of a CERC&rsquo;s contract1 to model air pollutants in urban areas in the UK. The scenario anticipated in Greater London without further measures was investigated, i.e. business as usual,
using the Air Dispersion Modelling System ADMS-Urban to model several important
pollutants: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>); Oxides of Nitrogen (NO<sub>x</sub>); particles smaller than 10 microns diameter (PM<sub>10</sub>); and Ozone (O<sub>3</sub>). This is the basis for further modelling of alternative scenarios that may be employed to achieve the air quality objectives laid out in the UK air quality strategy.</p>