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Report date:

This data set replaces the data uploaded 17/06/2022. The changes are to power stations, with a reallocation between Wales and Unallocated

Report date:
Authors: Lucy Garland, Luke Jones, Courtney Szanto, Lotte Gleeson, Aidan James, James Sammut, Kathryn Hampshire, Katie King, Katrina Young, Ben Richmond, Alex Kelsall, Serena Churchill, Andy Collins, Glen Thistlethwaite, Neil Passant, Ben Pearson

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Report date:
Authors: Tim Bevington

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Report date:
Authors: James Dernie, Luke Doman, Ben Fowler, Andrew Kent, Jack Davison & Daniel Wakeling

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Report date:
Authors: Ed Rowe , Naila Hina, Ed Carnell, Massimo Vieno, Peter Levy, Beth Raine, Kasia Sawicka, Sam Tomlinson, Cristina Martín Hernandez & Laurence Jones

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Report date:
Authors: Sion Carpenter

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Report date:
Authors: Ricardo Energy & Environment & CEH

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Report date:
Authors: Annette Burden and Hannah Clilverd

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Report date:
Authors: Christopher Conolly and Sion Carpenter

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Glen Thistlethwaite, Ben Richmond (both Ricardo) and Elisabeth Hoskin (Advisian)

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Report date:
Authors: Churchill S, Richmond B, MacCarthy J, Brown P, Del Vento S, Karagianni E, Misra A, Murrells T, Passant N, Richardson J, Stewart R, Travasso N, Tsagatakis I, Thistlethwaite G, Wakeling D, Walker C, Wiltshire J, Wong J

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Report date:
Authors: Ioannis Tsagatakis, Joe Richardson, Christopher Evangelides, Marco Pizzolato, Ben Pearson, Neil Passant, Matthieu Pommier & Anke Otto

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Report date:
Authors: T H Misselbrook, S L Gilhespy

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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: James Allan, Roy Harrison and Richard Maggs on behalf of the Air Quality Expert Group

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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Neil Passant, Anne Misra

The report initially published on 29/01/2019, updated in April 2022 and again in January 2024

Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Brown P, Cardenas L, Choudrie S, Del Vento S, Karagianni E, MacCarthy J, Mullen P, Passant N, Richmond B, Thistlethwaite G, Thomson A, Wakeling D