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Report date:
Authors: Dr David Harrison, Dr Andrew Allen

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Report date:
Authors: Jane Vallance-Plews

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Report date:
Authors: Xingyu Xiao

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Report date:
Authors: Jaume Targa

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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: R.W. Battarbee, C.J. Curtis and H.A. Binney
Report date:
Authors: Baggott SL, Brown L, Milne R, Murrells TP, Passant N, Watterson JD

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Report date:
Authors: N Passant

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Report date:
Authors: Roy Harrison

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Report date:
Authors: D. E. Mooney

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Report date:
Authors: G Hayman

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Report date:
Authors: Andy. Sweetman, Konstantinos Prevedouros, Nick Farrar, Foday Jaward and Kevin C. Jones

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Report date:
Authors: S Baggott, R Milne, T Misslebrook, TP Murrells, G Thistlethwaite, J Watterson

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Report date:
Authors: Jo Blair

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Report date:
Authors: A Loader

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Report date:
Authors: Jane Vallance-Plews, Brian Stacey

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Report date:
Authors: E.M. Shilland, D.T. Monteith, J. Smith & W.R.C. Beaumont

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Report date:
Authors: Peter Dumitrean

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Report date:
Authors: Keith Vincent