
UK emissions statistics from the NAEI form part of the Accredited Official Statistics published by Defra and DESNZ on an annual basis. Find and download the emissions data.

Statistics related to air quality emissions can be found on Defra's website and statistics for greenhouse gas emissions can be found on the DESNZ website.

UK emissions data selector

Download UK emissions data by Air pollutants, Greenhouse gases, Heavy metals, Particulate Matter.

Download emission factors

Download emission factors: detailed by source and fuel.

UK totals

The UK data are used for International and European reporting obligations. UK emissions data are reported to the UNFCCC (GHG), UNECE & EMEP (Air Quality) and NECR (Air Quality).


Explore Interactive maps for Air Quality and Greenhouse gases, download gridded emissions data and emissions from point sources.

Devolved Administrations

View Devolved Administration reports and data.

Local Authorities

A number of Greenhouse gas and energy datasets are produced under the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI), which are useful to Local Authorities and public users interested in their local areas.

Download Air Pollutant Emissions Data

Download Air Pollutant emissions data.


Download Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data

Download Greenhouse Gas emissions data.

Data Archive

View archived Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas and emission factors for road transport data.

Published: 19 January, 2024

Last updated: 18 July, 2024