NAEI Stakeholder Day Presentations 2009

Report date

The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 28th September 2009 at DECC in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on future plans/improvements for the inventory and projections.

Additional documents

NAEI Stakeholder Day Agenda

Welcome, Introductions and Aims - Sarah Honour & Helen Champion

Historic Inventory Update - Sarah Choudrie & Anne Wagner

Policy Background for Air Quality Projections - Sarah Honour

Overview of energy model and CO2 projections - Stephen Oxley

Inventories and the negotiations - Phil Tucker

Overview of air quality and non-CO2 projections - Anne Wagner & John Watterson

Agricultural Projections - Tom Misselbrook

LULUCF Projections - Ronnie Milne

Road Transport Projections - Tim Murrells

National Transport Model - Malcolm Jay

Future Reporting Requirements and Streamlining - Angela Falconer