Sixth National Air Quality Forecasting Seminar

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The Sixth National Air Quality Forecast Seminar took place at the Met Office in Exeter on Wednesday 16th May 2007. A summary of the event and copies of the presentations from the seminar are included here in pdf format. For further information on the air quality forecasting service please contact

Additional documents

CITEAIR and the Common Air Quality Index-An Overview

Defra Update

Summer Heatwave 2006 Ozone Pollution Episode

Modelling the air quality health impact of the 2006 UK heatwave

Correcting TEOM Measurements using the KCL Volatile Correction Model

Measurements for the Assessment of UK Air Quality Models

Reducing Hospital Admissions Using Health Forecasting

Did Fires in Russia cause a UK Particulate Pollution Episode in May 2006?

Proceedings of the Sixth Air Pollution Forecasting Seminar