Air pollutant emissions reports

This report provides an overview of the methods used to calculate distribution maps for all sectors across the UK and it covers the compilation of the final emission maps and data products.

Report date:
Authors: T Bush, I Tsagatakis, N Passant, A Griffin and B Pearson

The latest estimates of pollutant emissions to air in the UK (1970 - 2008), together with an overview of the major sources trends and emission maps. This latest annual report supercedes all previous reports in the series.

Report date:
Authors: T P Murrells, N R Passant, G Thistlethwaite, A Wagner, Y Li, T Bush, J Norris, C Walker, R A Stewart, I Tsagatakis, R Whiting, C Conolly, S Okamura, M Peirce, S Sneddon, J Webb, J Thomas, J MacCarthy, S Choudrie, N Brophy

The latest estimates of pollutant emissions to air in the UK (1970 - 2007), together with an overview of the major sources trends and emission maps. This latest annual report supercedes all previous reports in the series.

Report date:
Authors: T P Murrells, N R Passant, G Thistlethwaite, A Wagner, Y Li, T Bush, J Norris, PJ Coleman, C Walker, RA Stewart, I Tsagatakis, C Conolly, NCJ Brophy & S Okamura

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Report date:
Authors: Dick Derwent, Andrea Fraser, John Abbott, Mike Jenkin, Paul Willis and Tim Murrells

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Report date:
Authors: T Murrells, N Passant, G Thistlewaite, A Wagner, Y Li, T Bush, J Norris, R Whiting, C Walker, R Stewart, I Tsagatakis, C Conolly, N Brophy and S Okamura

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Report date:
Authors: TH Misselbrook, DR Chadwick, SL Gilhespy

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Report date:
Authors: Y Li, J Jackson, TP Murrells, S Okamura, N Passant, S Sneddon, J Thomas, G Thistlethwaite & T Misselbrook
The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 28th September 2009 at DECC in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on future plans/improvements for the inventory and projections.
Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: J N Cape

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Report date:
Authors: J N Cape

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Report date:
Authors: A Wagner, T Wiley, TP Murrells, N R Passant, G Thistlethwaite, Y Li, J Norris, PJ Coleman, C Walker, RA Stewart, J Jackson & M Pierce

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Report date:
Authors: Sean Beevers, David Carslaw, Emily Westmoreland and Hrishi Mittal

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Report date:
Authors: Penny Wilson
The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 29th September 2008 at Defra in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on biofuel and biomass and how the current developments in these areas can contribute to improving the estimates used in the UK inventory.
Report date:

This report provides an overview of the methods used to calculate distribution maps for all sectors across the UK and it covers the compilation of the final emission maps and data products.

Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush, Ioannis Tsagatakis, Katie King and Neil Passant

The latest estimates of pollutant emissions to air in the UK (1970 - 2006), together with an overview of the major sources trends. This latest annual report supercedes all previous reports in the series. Comment on the report may be sent to Anne Wagner, AEA, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0JN. Fax 0870 190 5545.

Report date:
Authors: CJ Dore, TP Murrells, NR Passant, MM Hobson, G Thistlethwaite, A Wagner, Y Li, T Bush, KR King, J Norris, PJ Coleman, C Walker, RA Stewart, I Tsagatakis, C Conolly, NCJ Brophy, MR Hann

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Report date:
Authors: Y Li, J Thomas, J Jackson, K King, TP Murrells, N Passant, G Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: Tim Murrells & Yvonne Li

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Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush, K King, N Passant, I Tsagatakis

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: N Brophy, C Dore, MR Hann, J Jackson, K King, TP Murrells, N Passant, G Thistlethwaite, A Wagner