Greenhouse Gas emissions reports

The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 29th September 2008 at Defra in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on biofuel and biomass and how the current developments in these areas can contribute to improving the estimates used in the UK inventory.
Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Jenny Thomas, Glen Thistlethwaite

This report provides an overview of the methods used to calculate distribution maps for all sectors across the UK and it covers the compilation of the final emission maps and data products.

Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush, Ioannis Tsagatakis, Katie King and Neil Passant

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson, Yvonne Li, Neil Passant, Jenny Thomas, Glen Thistlethwaite, Amanda Thomson and Laura Cardenas

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Report date:
Authors: Choudrie SL, Jackson J, Watterson JD, Murrells T, Passant N, Thomson A, Cardenas L, Leech A, Mobbs DC, Thistlethwaite G

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Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush, K King, N Passant, I Tsagatakis

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Report date:
Authors: Tim Murrells & Prof. R G Derwent

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson, Yvonne Li, Neil Passant, Glen Thistlethwaite, Amanda Thomson & Laura Cardenas
The NAEI stakeholders day took place on 16th July 2007 at Defra in London. The aim of the day was to present current work areas within the inventory and to allow stakeholders to input ideas for the future development of the work programme to ensure that the inventory continues to meet their needs.
Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Baggott S, Cardenas L, Garnett E, Jackson J, Mobbs DC, Murrells T, Passant N, Thomson A, Watterson J

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Report date:
Authors: Passant, NP; Watterson, J; Jackson, J

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Report date:
Authors: Katie King, Neil Passant, Yvonne Li, Justin Goodwin, Joanna Jackson

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Report date:
Authors: SL Baggott, L Cardenas, M Downes, E Garnett, J Jackson, Y Li, N Passant, A Thomson

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Report date:
Authors: Norris, J; Stewart, R; Passant, N

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Report date:
Authors: Baggott SL, Brown L, Cardenas L, Downes MK, Garnett E, Hobson M, Jackson J, Milne R, Mobbs DC, Passant N, Thistlethwaite G, Thomson A, Watterson JD

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Report date:
Authors: SL Baggott, L Brown, R Milne, TP Murrells, N Passant, DG Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: J Goodwin, K King, N Passant, J Sturman and Yvonne Li

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Report date:
Authors: U Dammgen, U Doring

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Report date:
Authors: Baggott SL, Brown L, Milne R, Murrells TP, Passant N, Thistlethwaite G, Watterson JD

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Report date:
Authors: SL Baggott, L Brown, R Milne, TP Murrells, N Passant, DG Thistlethwaite