
There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: TH Misselbrook, SL Gilhespy, LM Cardenas, J Williams, U Dragosits

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Report date:
Authors: Defra and the Devolved Administrations

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Report date:
Authors: Sonya Beccaceci, Elizabeth McGhee, Chris Robins, David Butterfield, Jordan Tompkins, Paul Quincey, Richard Brown, David Green, Anja Tremper, Max Priestman, Anna Font Font

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Report date:
Authors: C Conolly, M Davies, D Knight, K Vincent, A Sanocka, J Lingard, S Richie, B Donovan, A Collings, C Braban, Y Tang, A Stephens, M Twigg, M Jones, I Simmons, M Coyle, J Kentisbeer, S Leeson, N van Dijk, E Nemitz, B Langford, W Bealey, D Leaver, J Poskitt, H Carter, S Thacker, M Patel, P Keenan, G Pereira, A Lawlor, A Warwick, P Farrand, M Sutton

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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: R Bailey, R Claxton, L Jones, E Kilroy, T Misselbrook, Y Pang, N Passant, E Salisbury, H Smith, G Thistlethwaite, D Wakeling, C Walker

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Sharon L. Goddard, Richard J. C. Brown, David M. Butterfield, Elizabeth A. McGhee, Chris Robins, Sonya Beccaceci, Adam Lilley, Chris Bradshaw, Emma Haynes

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Report date:
Authors: Pedro Abreu, David Carslaw, Trevor Davies, James Dernie, Andrew Kent, Brian Stacey, Steve Telling, Daniel Wakeling

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Report date:
Authors: Jane Hall, Tony Dore, Ron Smith, Chris Evans, Ed Rowe, Bill Bealey, Elin Roberts, Chris Curtis, Susan Jarvis, Peter Henrys, Simon Smart, Gaynor Barrett, Heather Carter, Rob Collier, Paul Hughes

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Report date:
Authors: Ioannis Tsagatakis, Shaun Brace, Calvin Jephcote, Neil Passant, Ben Pearson, Ben Kiff & Andrea Fraser

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Report date:
Authors: D Butterfield, S Beccaceci, P Quincey, B Sweeney, A Lilley, C Bradshaw, G Fuller, D Green, A Font

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Report date:
Authors: Jordan Tompkins, Sharon L. Goddard, Delwar Hussain, Isabel Hessey, Richard J. C. Brown, Paul G. Quincey, Emma Haynes

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Report date:
Authors: Sonya Beccaceci, Elizabeth McGhee, Chris Robins, David Butterfield, Jordan Tompkins, Paul Quincey, Richard Brown, Stuart Brennan, David Green, Anja Tremper, Max Priestman, Anna Font Font

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Report date:
Authors: E Salisbury, K Hampshire, R Brook, G Buys, R Bailey, G Thistlethwaite, C Walker, D Wakeling, P Brown, Y Pang, L Cardenas
This project reviewed evidence of the effectiveness of road transport policy measures to improve air quality (with a focus on nitrogen dioxide, NO2), and developed tools – informed by the evidence gathered – to assist in the selection of measures and to estimate the future effects of such measures on air quality.

Project Summary Report and Appendices for contract AQ0959
Report date:
Authors: Tim Scarbrough, Michel Vedrenne, Andrea Fraser, Ben Grebot

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Report date:
Authors: Brown P, Broomfield M, Buys G, Cardenas L, Kilroy E, MacCarthy J, Murrells T, Pang Y, Passant N, Ramirez Garcia J, Thistlethwaite G, Webb N

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Report date:
Authors: Air Quality Expert Group