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Report date:
Authors: Sharon L. Goddard, Richard J. C. Brown, David M. Butterfield, Elizabeth McGhee, Chris Robins, Andrew S. Brown, Sonya Beccaceci, Kevin J. Whiteside, Chris Bradshaw, Stuart Brennan

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Report date:
Authors: Ian Roberts, Daniel Brookes, Ralf Toumi, John Rimmer, Andrew RD Smedley, Ann Webb, David Moore

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Report date:
Authors: Ian Roberts, Daniel Brookes, Ralf Toumi, John Rimmer, Andrew RD Smedley, Ann Webb, David Moore

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Report date:
Authors: James Dernie, Peter Dumitrean and Rachel Yardley

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Report date:
Authors: Ian Roberts, Daniel Brookes, Ralf Toumi, John Rimmer, Andrew RD Smedley, Ann Webb, David Moore

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Report date:
Authors: Air Quality Expert Group
The CRF software has been redesigned since the previous submission, which has caused some delays for all parties and as a result, publication of this report was not possible in April as in previous years.
Report date:
Authors: MacCarthy J, Broomfield M, Brown P, Buys G, Cardenas L, Murrells T, Pang Y, Passant N, Thistlethwaite G, Watterson J

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Trevor Davies, James Dernie

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Report date:
Authors: E Salisbury, G Thistlethwaite, Y Pang, A Misra

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Report date:
Authors: A Misra, NR Passant, TP Murrells, Y Pang, G Thistlethwaite, C Walker, M Broomfield, D Wakeling, S del Vento, B Pearson (Ricardo-AEA), M Hobson (Aether), T Misselbrook (Rothamsted Research), U Dragosits (CEH)

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Report date:
Authors: Air Quality Expert Group

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Report date:
Authors: Air Quality Expert Group

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Report date:
Authors: D Butterfield, S Beccaceci, P Quincey, B Sweeney, A Lilley, C Bradshaw, G Fuller, D Green, A Font Font

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Report date:
Authors: C Green, N Zglobisz, A De Carlos, I Kirhensteine, D Tyrer, J Esparrago, A Ma, N Raha, L Shrewsbury, D Connolly, I Petrie, S Bounta, G Shreeve and C Bent

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Report date:
Authors: E. Salisbury, G. Thistlethwaite, K. Young, L. Cardenas, A. Thomson

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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Rowe EC, Jarvis S, Hall J, Henrys P, Evans CD & Smart S

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Report date:
Authors: A. Fraser, R. Rose, T. Murrells

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton & Brian Stacey