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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: David Carslaw, Max Priestman

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Report date:
Authors: D Butterfield, S Beccaceci, P Quincey, A Lilley and C Bradshaw, G Fuller, D Green and A Font Font

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Report date:

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Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: Rowe EC, Jones L, Stevens CJ, Vieno M, Dore AJ, Hall J, Sutton M, Mills G, Evans CD, Helliwell RC, Britton AJ, Mitchell RJ, Caporn SJ, Dise NB, Field C & Emmett BA

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Report date:
Authors: C Conolly, K Vincent, JJN Lingard, M Davies, D Knight, R Mitchell, S Richie, S Telling & B Donovan, CF Braban, YS Tang, M Twigg, M Coyle, J Kentisbeer, S Leeson, C Di Marco, E Nemitz, WJ Bealey, D Leaver, J Poskitt, S Beith, S Thacker, I Simmons, N van Dijk, P O’Keenan, G Pereira & MA Sutton

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Massimo Vieno, Stefan Reis, Tony Dore, Riinu Ots, Rachel Beck, and Mark Sutton

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Report date:
Authors: Fraser A, Murrells T, Rose R, Beevers S, Kitwiroon N, Xavier F, Sokhi R and Derwent R.

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Report date:
Authors: TH Misselbrook, SL Gilhespy, LM Cardenas, J Williams, U Dragosits

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Report date:
Authors: E Salisbury, G Thistlethwaite, Y Pang, R Bailey

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Report date:
Authors: Sonya Beccaceci, Elizabeth McGhee, Chris Robins, Jordan Tompkins, Paul Quincey, Richard Brown, David Butterfield, David Green, Anja Tremper, Max Priestman, Anna Font Font, Alan Jones

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Report date:
Authors: E Connolly, D Waterman (Defra) and A Kent (Ricardo-AEA)

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Report date:
Authors: Ricardo-AEA: Tony Bush, Stewart Eaton, Stephen Gray, Calvin Jephcote, Andrew Kent, Alison Loader, Rebecca Morris, John Stedman, Keith Vincent, Paul Willis and Defra: John Newington and Daniel Waterman

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Report date:
Authors: Jones, L., Mills, G., Milne, A. with contributions from Hayes, F., Monteith, D., Dwyer, J, Ozdemiroglu, E., Hall, J., Evans, C., Emmett, B., Sutton, M., Reis, S., Ashmore, M., Everard, M., Holland, M.

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna MacCarthy, Peter Brown, Laura Cardenas, AM Thomson, S Hallsworth, H Malcolm