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Report date:
Authors: Y Li, J Jackson, TP Murrells, S Okamura, N Passant, S Sneddon, J Thomas, G Thistlethwaite & T Misselbrook

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Report date:
Authors: T Murrells, S Cook, A Kent, S Grice, A Fraser, C Allen, D Derwick, M Jenkin, A Rickard, M Pilling, M Holland and S Utembe

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson & Glen Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: David Butterfield, Kevin Whiteside and Paul Quincey
The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 28th September 2009 at DECC in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on future plans/improvements for the inventory and projections.
Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: J N Cape

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Report date:
Authors: Ken Stevenson, Rachel Yardley, Brian Stacey and Richard Maggs

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Report date:
Authors: Anthony Dore

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Report date:
Authors: J N Cape

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson, Yvonne Li, Tim Murrells, Neil Passant, Stuart Sneddon, Jenny Thomas, Glen Thistlethwaite, Kirstie Dyson and Laura Cardenas

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton and Brian Stacey

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Report date:
Authors: Louise Meston
The Eighth National Air Quality Forecast Seminar took place at the Council House in Birmingham on Thursday 16th July 2009. Details of the seminar programme and copies of the presentations are included here in pdf format. For further information on the air quality forecasting service please contact
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Report date:
Authors: Christopher Conolly

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Report date:
Authors: Fee Wen Yap

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Report date:
Authors: D Butterfield, S Beccaceci, P Hughey, D Green and J Alexander

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: A Wagner, T Wiley, TP Murrells, N R Passant, G Thistlethwaite, Y Li, J Norris, PJ Coleman, C Walker, RA Stewart, J Jackson & M Pierce

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Report date:
Authors: Louise Meston

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Report date:
Authors: John Watterson & Glen Thistlethwaite