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Report date:
Authors: Sean Beevers, David Carslaw, Emily Westmoreland and Hrishi Mittal

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Report date:
Authors: Andy Cook

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Report date:
Authors: Penny Wilson

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Report date:
Authors: Jackson J, Choudrie S, Thistlethwaite G, Passant N, Murrells T, Watterson J, Mobbs D, Cardenas L, Thomson A, Leech A

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Report date:
Authors: Richard JC Brown, David M Butterworth, Sharon L Goddard, Dharsheni Muhunthan, Andrew S Brown and Melanie Williams

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Report date:
Authors: Louise Meston

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton
Defra's advisory Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) launched its latest report Ozone in the United Kingdom on 4th March 2009. The report investigates the recent historic trends, current status and likely future changes to tropospheric ozone concentrations in the UK over the next 20 years. See

The launch brought together a number of air quality experts to participate in a discussion on biogenic emissions.

A summary report will follow soon. Further information about the Air Quality Expert Group and reports can be found at

Seminar presentations are available here:
Report date:

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Report date:
Authors: T Murrells, S Cooke, A Kent, S Grice, A Fraser, C Allen, D Derwent, M Jenkin, A Rickard, M Pilling & M Holland

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Report date:
Authors: Rachel Yardley

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Report date:
Authors: S Grice, S Cook, J Stedman, T Busy, K Vincent, M Hann, J Abbott and A Kent

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Report date:
Authors: Andy Cook

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Report date:
Authors: Dr Richard Maggs, Dr David Harrison, Dr David Carslaw and Ken Stevenson

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Report date:
Authors: EM Shilland, DT Monteith and M Hutchins

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Louise Meston

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Report date:
Authors: Helen Lawrence, Keith Vincent, Brian Donovan, Martin Davies, Malcolm Smith and Chris Colbeck (AEA); Y.S. Tang, N. van Dijk, M. Anderson, I. Simmons, R.I. Smith, J.N. Cape, D. Fowler, M.A. Sutton (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh)

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Report date:
Authors: Jenny Thomas, Glen Thistlethwaite
The NAEI UK Emissions Inventory Stakeholder meeting took place on Monday 29th September 2008 at Defra in London. The Stakeholder day focussed on biofuel and biomass and how the current developments in these areas can contribute to improving the estimates used in the UK inventory.
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Report date:
Authors: Stephen Moorcroft