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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

This report provides an overview of the methods used to calculate distribution maps for all sectors across the UK and it covers the compilation of the final emission maps and data products.

Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush, Ioannis Tsagatakis, Katie King and Neil Passant

The latest estimates of pollutant emissions to air in the UK (1970 - 2006), together with an overview of the major sources trends. This latest annual report supercedes all previous reports in the series. Comment on the report may be sent to Anne Wagner, AEA, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0JN. Fax 0870 190 5545.

Report date:
Authors: CJ Dore, TP Murrells, NR Passant, MM Hobson, G Thistlethwaite, A Wagner, Y Li, T Bush, KR King, J Norris, PJ Coleman, C Walker, RA Stewart, I Tsagatakis, C Conolly, NCJ Brophy, MR Hann

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Report date:
Authors: Y Li, J Thomas, J Jackson, K King, TP Murrells, N Passant, G Thistlethwaite

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Report date:
Authors: Joanna Jackson, Yvonne Li, Neil Passant, Jenny Thomas, Glen Thistlethwaite, Amanda Thomson and Laura Cardenas

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Report date:
Authors: Louise Meston

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Report date:
Authors: Tim Murrells & Yvonne Li

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Report date:
Authors: Andy Cook

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Report date:
Authors: Garry Hayman

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Report date:
Authors: John Abbott

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Report date:
Authors: Andy Cook

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Stewart Eaton

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Report date:
Authors: Prof Duncan Laxen, Dr Ben Marner and Sally Donovan

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Report date:
Authors: David Green, Timothy Baker and Gary Fuller

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Report date:
Authors: Dr Richard Maggs, Dr David Harrison, Dr David Carslow, Ken Stevenson
This is the fifth report of the Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG). The report investigates the recent historic trends, current status and likely future changes to tropospheric ozone concentrations in the UK. The main focus is on human exposure to ozone pollution, particularly in urban areas. AQEG has also considered trends and changes to ozone precursor emissions on the European and global scales, as a background to the main focus of the report.

The report is being published in draft to allow expert comment before the group reaches its final conclusions. Any technical comments on the report should be received by Wednesday, 6 August 2008.
Report date:
In the report, the Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards (EPAQS) recommends guideline values for arsenic, beryllium, chromium and nickel. These metals are all human or suspected human carcinogens and have been shown to affect human health through the inhalation route. They are also amongst the substances most frequently encountered by the Environment Agency when determining permits for major industrial activities.

The report is being published in draft to allow expert comment before the group reaches its final conclusions. Any technical comments on the report should be received by Wednesday, 6 August 2008.
Report date: