
There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: David Green

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Report date:
Authors: John R Stedman

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Report date:
Authors: K Playford

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Report date:
Authors: Katie King

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: K Playford

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Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush

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Report date:
Authors: Jane Vallance-Plews

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Report date:
Authors: Michael E Jenkin

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Report date:
Authors: Brian Stacey

The National Inventory Report is submitted annually to UNFCCC. Global Atmosphere Division would like to invite comments on this report with a view to improving future issues

Report date:
Authors: A G Salway

Final Contract Report

Report date:
Authors: Professor Mike Ashmore

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Report date:
Authors: B M R Jones

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Report date:
Authors: D S Lee

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Report date:
Authors: N R Passant

"The latest estimates of emissions of a range of pollutants in the UK, from 1970 - 1998, together "" with indications of their major sources, and details of how the estimates were made. Previous reports are also available"

Report date:
Authors: J W L Goodwin

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Report date:
Authors: W Bell

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: John R Stedman

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: Tony Bush

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: Michael E Jenkin

There are no comments for this report.

Report date:
Authors: N R Passant